
Compliance and Code of Conduct

Corporate responsibility and integrity are irrevocable building blocks of our corporate philosophy. Furthermore, we are aware of our social and ethical responsibility, which is associated with our entrepreneurial actions. On this basis, and in compliance with laws, ordinances and internationally applicable regulations as well as our internal guidelines for action, it is our aspiration to build and live a culture of trust both internally and externally. Compliance is therefore a high priority for the owner family and all employees of the MENSHEN Group. We rely on the support of our customers*, suppliers, business partners* and other interested parties, because only together can we ensure comprehensive compliance.

Code of Conduct: Commitment – Long-term – Security

Our Code of Conduct, which was completely revised in 2021, serves to meet our own expectations and those of third parties with whom we work, because mutual respect and trust determine the relationship between us and our business partners. In this way, we stand for commitment, longevity and security. We do not tolerate any violations of the law and we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination. We respect human rights, regardless of the country in which we operate. Every employee* is responsible for complying with applicable laws. Our Code of Conduct helps to ensure that we meet the highest standards of excellence. This policy and the values it describes have been developed in collaboration with our employees* from the different locations and divisions, and have been established and formulated in close cooperation with our Compliance Officers. It reflects our commitment and the values of our company: responsibility, integrity, mutability, performance, but above all appreciation and respect for the world in which we live and for each individual!

Compliance officers as contact persons

We have appointed Compliance Officers to whom employees* and persons of other interested parties may seek advice or report a breach of this Code of Conduct. Everyone is encouraged to seek prompt assistance when needed and to report any identified violation in their own interest. Internally, the supervisor* or a manager can advise or refer the employee* to the appropriate office – there is always someone who can help. Externally, please contact the person listed below. We assure everyone that any report will be treated confidentially.

Contact can be made on site, through other channels or anonymously. Information, reports of anomalies and suggestions for improvement or suspected violations of laws, regulations and our internal guidelines, as well as feedback for the optimisation of the regulations/guidelines, can be sent by e-mail to the following address:

Below we offer you the different (language) versions of our Code of Conduct for download:

Report Compliance Call

Information for Informants as PDF

Contact Person

Hans-Peter Kaldeberg
CIMO Menshen Group

Fon: +49 2721 518 250

Contact us now!
Do you need help or have an inquiry? Contact us our team is working to respond to you as quickly as possible.
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