Ghana business delegation at MENSHEN
15 professionals from Ghanaian plastic (packaging) producing companies as well as companies from the recycling sector were informed about new technologies, recycling and sustainability concepts in plastic packaging.
The program is carried out by the Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid (KIMW). Among others, the closure manufacturer MENSHEN in Finnentrop, STAUFF as a specialist for hydraulic applications at the Ohle site and the waste management company A. Menshen in Werdohl were visited. All three companies belong to LUKAD Holding, which bundles the companies of the founding and owning family Menshen.

Dr. Klaus Skrodolies, Head of Innovation Management at MENSHEN, explained opportunities and challenges when using recyclates of different types as well as MENSHEN’s solutions for the planned EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) during a plant tour in Finnentrop.
The African state of Ghana is looking for new solutions and contacts for the establishment of a circular economy to solve its waste problem.
Thanks for the successful organisation and realisation to Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid ,Bernd Wüller, GIZ and Ulrich Levermann from our sister company STAUFF
The visit to the three LUKAD companies is part of a three-week course on plastics recycling organised by the Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid on behalf of GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit). The GIZ has the task of supporting emerging and developing countries in their economic development through targeted educational measures. In general, Africa suffers from an inadequate infrastructure for waste management. Ghana, as one of the most developed countries, plays a pioneering role for the continent. Through a GIZ application process, a total of 15 experts from Ghanaian companies were recruited to expand their know-how during a study tour in Germany. The course is intended to support Ghanaian companies in implementing the acquired knowledge in their own processes. On the one hand, this helps to ease the burden on the local environment and, at the same time, is intended to make Ghanaian companies interesting for possible cooperation with German companies.