Menshen at the ChemUK, Birmingham
Die ChemUK in Birmingham öffnet ihre Tore
The chemical industry is finally meeting again! On 11 and 12 May 2022, ChemUK at the NEC, Birmingham will open its doors to the professional world of the chemical industry. More than 350 exhibitors from the various sectors of the industry will be exhibiting their sophisticated products and presenting themselves to the interested trade. Menshen will also be present this year and will impressively demonstrate to all visitors and interested parties in Hall 1, Stand K45, why Menshen has been one of the market leaders in the development and production of chemical closures for decades.
Because the top priority is safety for people and the environment, and to this end, to offer the best possible packaging that meets all quality and safety standards. Menshen closures are continuously subjected to a large number of tests and simulations, as a result of which they usually even exceed the requirements and also have UN certification, among other things. So a visit is worthwhile. Our team is looking forward to seeing you! More information about the fair is available here: https://www.chemicalukexpo.com/

Hausmesse: Spoutbeutel selbst produzieren
Entdecken Sie die Einsparpotenziale, die die Inhouse-Herstellung von Beuteln mit Spout bietet. SÜDPACK, SN Maschinenbau und MENSHEN gehen gemeinsam…
Plug & Play für Sicherheit in der Verpackung: Fest angebrachte verschluck-sichere Kappen
Wir bei MENSHEN haben uns der Entwicklung von Verpackungslösungen verschrieben, die nicht nur das Benutzererlebnis…
Menshen erhält den Titel IHK Weltmarktführer
Foto Preisverleihung, Quelle: IHK Arnsberg Hagen Siegen MENSHEN ist erneut mit dem Siegel des Weltmarktführers…